Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You're the BEST!

It's been too long since I last posted anything of value. So. Here goes :)

It's amazing to me what comes out of the mouths of "babes". Mitchell and Karissa surprise me daily with little sayings that either they've heard somewhere or make up themselves. The ones they make up are truely priceless. Out of the two of them, Karissa usually comes up with the most amusing ones. For example: when her ears are hurting (which is most of the time, poor girl, as she gets wax buildup easily) she'll come to me and tell me her ears are "bugging". We are trying to teach the kids "manners" and how to ask for things. She'll regularly come up to me and say: "Mommy please may I have up?" Which means she wants me to hold her. If she comes up to me and asks me for something and I tell her no she'll say: "But I asked with please!" LOL she's still having to learn that just because she asks "nicely" doesn't always mean she gets what she wants. Yesterday she wanted to play in the pool. She came in and told me she needed a "lifejacket" on. I couldn't figure out what she meant. I finally deciphered that she meant she needed her swimsuit on :)

BUT, one of the things that she's taken to saying as of late, is something she completely made up on her own. And I think it's a truely wonderful use of her knowledge of words. If she's happy with something or, most especially, with someone, she'll say for example: "Mommy. You're the BEST!"

You have no idea how that melts my heart! What a good feeling it gives me to have my three-year old come up to me with a huge smile on her face and tell me I'm the BEST. And she's not being specific on what I am best at or for or when or how. I am just.....the BEST. It's amazing that if I'm having an off day or feeling a little put out...even by the kids...that a comment like that can change my whole attitude and outlook on things.

And that got me thinking.

Aren't words just one of the most powerful things? Sometimes it matters what's said. Sometimes it matters in what tone of voice. Sometimes it matters who says them. But words are Powerful! And as much as hurtful words can bring you down, encouraging words can bring you up just as easily....and they are just as EASY to say as the nasty things.

When was the last time you told someone they were the BEST? And I don't mean telling them they are the BEST at something...I mean just telling them they are the BEST! What a great feeling to know that someone thinks that of you. When was the last time you told someone that you loved them and REALLY TRUELY meant it? Try it! Give someone some encouraging words today (even someone that you don't get along with) and see how quickly it changes their attitude. And THEN see how quickly it changes YOUR attitude to just be able to pass along something kind.

Try it. I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

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